We all love cards, and there are so many of them!
Mighty Cards is here to help you manage your collection and offer a comprehensive view of it.
Focus specifically on collectors, not investors
No price display, we prefer to keep your energy focused on adding more cards and improving our database.
Priority on small or unknow card games
We set aside the bigger card games, stop using Excel and use Mighty Cards to regroup your collection.
Manage your collection from everywhere
Anytime, anywhere. Use your PC or your mobile phone to manage your collection.
Create your own custom set with the cards you choose
Do you have a custom collection? You want all the Pikachu cards? Create your own set and manage it with our own custom set system.
Cards in every language
We add cards scans in every languages. Stop using one card for all languages. You can collect cards in multiple languages and manage them separately.
100% free and supported by the community
No subscriptions, no ads, no limits! We believe in community support. People who like Mighty Cards will
support it.